Beer Box Cake

Need a recipe for a decadent cake? Try this quick beer box cake recipe for a delicious baked treat today. Stork – love to bake.

You can do it

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Cake Ingredients

8 large eggs
750ml castor sugar
500ml warm water
150ml melted Stork Baking Margarine
150ml cocoa powder
5ml vanilla essence
815ml cake flour
30ml baking powder
1 Pinch of salt

Icing Ingredients

1 batch vanilla Stork cream icing
1 Food colours of your choice
1 Small sandwich bags for icing
1 Cake decorations or sweets of your choice

Step by step method

  1. Staple the corners of the beer box in place for reinforcement and then cover well with foil and grease with Stork Bake.
  2. Whisk the eggs and castor sugar together for about 5 minutes until fluffy and light.
  3. Add remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly to combine.
  4. Pour mixture into the prepared box and bake at 180°C for 35 - 45 minutes until cooked.
  5. Allow cake to cool completely.
  6. Take out of box and remove foil. Place on a tray or cake board.
  7. Trim the sides to make it even, if desired.
  8. Ice the cake with vanilla icing (there will be icing left over).
  9. Take this icing and divide into three or four colours of your choice.
  10. Use small sandwich bags as piping bags for each colour.
  11. Fill the bag with a little icing, pushing it to one of the bottom corners of the bag. Snip the end with scissors.
  12. Divide your cake into equal squares. Use a knife to rule guidelines into the vanilla icing for you to work to.
  13. Use the coloured icing to pipe coloured squares on the cake. Use the coloured icing to pipe a squiggle along the base of the cake.
  14. Decorate with cake decorations or sweets of your choice.