4 Treats To Bake For Your Mom On Mother’s Day


Mother’s Day, celebrated on the 8th of May in South Africa, has many mothers looking forward to a day spent amongst their children, family, and sometimes, close friends. Making the day special to celebrate and pay homage to the pillar of the home should be a tad easier with some delicious baked treat recipe ideas!

“A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.” – Tenneva Jordan.

Here are four baked treats to make Mother’s Day special and surprise mom on her day!

  1. Start the morning off with a delectably baked treat for breakfast. The Milk Tart French Toast Breakfast Bake recipe is perfect for a Mother’s Day breakfast in bed. It is made with delicious condiments such as cream, brown sugar, crushed cinnamon and Stork baking margarine.
  2. Mother’s Day is all about honouring mom and making her feel special. These Mother’s Day Cupcakes, vibrant, decorated and beautifully soft, will give her all the feels and more. These cupcakes are delightfully tasty and surprisingly light!
  3. If your mom enjoys more of a simple yet delightful baked treat, then the Scones recipe will tickle her classic tastebuds. This delicious recipe can be enjoyed with various toppings such as cheese, jam and even a dollop of Stork country spread.
  4. Chocolate, glorious Chocolate! Show mom how sweet she is with the decadent Mother’s Day Chocolate Orange Rose Cake. Made with magic, spice and everything nice, this mouth-watering chocolate cake oozes flavour, love and appreciation on a day as unique as Mother’s Day! 

Showing appreciation can be done in the slightest and grandest manners, but appreciation is still appreciated nonetheless. This Mother’s Day, as you prepare to celebrate your mom, we here at Stork wish you a day filled with happiness, love, and delicious baked treats that show how much you care!