Baking basics – 5 videos to help you


As world baking day approaches, people of all skill levels are getting ready to show the thing they have in common – a love for baking! If you are getting into the baking basics from the comfort of your home, what better away to learn than with an instructional video.

So without further ado, here are 5 videos to help teach you the basics of baking:

Rolling And Cutting Dough

You may have got your recipe down pat, but the race isn’t over yet – it’s onto rolling and cutting that dough. Dough can sometimes be pretty sticky, and if you overwork it, you can turn your creation into a tough cookie – pun intended. Here is how to make sure that you don’t fall at the last hurdle.

Creaming Stork Bake and Sugar

Also known as sugar-shortening, this process turns your sugar and Stork margarine into evenly sized granules and introduces air bubbles into your mixture, making your end product light and fluffy. Take a look at how to get this technique down perfectly.

How To Fold Ingredients

Folding is all about the aeration – this is a method of incorporating your ingredients that maximized the air in the batter. If you skip this step of the recipe and go straight to mixing, the texture of your bake just won’t be the same. This is especially the case when you are using whisked egg whites. For lighter, more pillowy bakes here is how to fold ingredients.

How To Grease A Baking Tin

Ever tried to make a cake without greasing the baking tin beforehand? If you have, you know that rather than ending up with beautifully seamless and perfectly even cake. You end up with a pile of chunks and crumbs. While there is always a use for cake crumbs, it’s not always what you want. So to help you perfectly transition your cake to a cooling rack without it sticking, here is how to grease a baking tray.

Whisking The Perfect Eggs

From frothy to soft peaks and on to stiff peaks – no this is not an outdoor adventure, it’s your egg whites. Egg whites can make your bake as light as a feather and even help as a rising agent, but it all comes down to is how you whisk them. Here is how to get the perfect egg whites every time.

Celebrate World Baking Day on the 17th of May and show just how much baking brings us together. Because no matter your skill level, or what your final product looks like, one major thing unites us – eating your delicious creations with the ones you love. 

Learn how to rustle up your favourite bakes from buttermilk rusks to custard slices. For more tips and stork baking recipes, take a look at BakeWithStork.